Sunday 21 February 2016

Worthwhile Pursuit: Communication, It's Key!

Ben and I are 4 days short of our 7-month anniversary being married… 7 MONTHS. When we were engaged it felt like the world had slowed down and was punishing us with waiting, and now time is flying by. These last 7 months have been the best months of my life, I am truly loving the worthwhile pursuit of my amazing husband.

Ben and I have been working through “The Best Year of Your Marriage” Devotional by Jim and Jean Daly and we have reached chapter 9, where the main focus is communication. One of the activities is to:

“Make a list of five questions or conversation starters to use with your spouse this week. Keep track of the results in a journal. Pay attention to whether some topics inspire more conversation that others. Make a note of questions that cause your spouse to change the subject or clam up. Based on your observations, create a better-targeted list to use the following week.” -“The Best Year of Your Marriage” by Jim and Jean Daly

The questions we began with are:
  1. What kind of Spiritual Challenges did you face this week?
  2. What is one situation you could have dealt with differently?
  3. What is one way Christ shawn through you this week?
  4. Did any scripture come to light through your daily activities this week?
  5. How can I encourage you for the upcoming week?

We did these questions for the first time last night (Saturday) and it brought so much vulnerability, insight and encouragement to our marriage. Challenging ourselves and each other to think deeply and answer Spiritual questions was a great step in our marriage. Communication is key, and we are learning that more and more every day!

"Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear."
Ephesians 4:29 ESV

Sending Love, 
Madison Mae


  1. Happy 7th month :) I love couples activities. My husband and I went through Saving Your Marriage Before It Starts (including the workbook) pre-marriage and we learned a lot. Have you heard of it before?

  2. Love this exercise and I'll have to check out the book you mentioned! My husband and I used to be so intentional about these kinds of things, but 5 years and 2 kids later, it's gotten harder, though it's still so important to be intentional with our communication. You're setting such a great foundation for your marriage! Keep up the good work;-)

  3. Congrats to 7 months!! My husband and I are celebrating 5 months on Thursday! This definitely sounds like something I would like to try with him! Great questions and great post!
