Monday 9 November 2015

Give Grace: Thank Your Husband

When Ben and I were about one year into dating, Ben received a job opportunity three hours away from where I was living. We were both head over heels in love and dreading being away from each other. During this time I made it very hard for Ben by always complaining that I wanted him home and that, “I missed him.”

Let me ask you this,

Was I really helping his motivation to work? Or was I discouraging him by consistently showing and vocalizing discontentment?

Some of the best advice I received during our dating adventure was given to me by my now sister-in-law. She told me:

“Always thank him for working.”

At first, I thought, really? THAT is what is important?
But I tried it, when he was away and working I would encourage him in my own ways.

Now that we are married. I take the time at night before I shut off the lamp, I look Ben straight in the eyes and tell him two things,

“Thank you for working today.”
“I am so very proud of you.”

The sense of approval I see in his face tells me that it is something he NEEDS to hear. And quite frankly, I need to hear it also. Sometimes life can get tough. Work, school, or basic everyday challenges can bring such strife to a relationship. When your significant other can look you right in the eye and encourage you in a way that can motivate you to do your very best is ultimately uplifting.

“Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear.” Ephesians 4:29

Giving grace, this is something incredibly special. It is something we should strive for everyday. I love that I am able to give grace to my husband, it is an overwhelming gift.

So I challenge you… take the time, and “thank your husband.”

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